User Terms

Eropair User Terms of Use
First, User rights and obligations

1. After registration, you will receive the Eropair username and password. Please keep your username and password safe; the behavior under this username will be treated as your own and you will be responsible for the user's actions under the account name.

2. You can edit the account name, avatar, profile, etc. in the registration information yourself, but you should abide by laws, regulations and relevant management regulations, and must not contain illegal and bad information, and must not infringe the legal rights of any other person;

3. In view of the specificity of network services (including but not limited to server stability issues, malicious network attacks, etc., and other circumstances beyond Eropair's control), you are aware that Eropair may interrupt or terminate some or all of the services. At this point, Eropair will take steps to resume service as soon as possible.

4. You may not upload, display or transmit any false, defamatory, harassing, damaging, offensive, abusive, intimidating, racist, defamatory, or defamatory use of Eropair. Disclosure of privacy, adult eroticism, malicious plagiarism or any other illegal information.

5. You may not infringe in any way any intellectual property rights such as patent rights, copyrights, trademark rights, etc., or personal rights such as name, name, reputation, honor, portrait, privacy, etc. or any other third parties legitimate interest.

6. In order to improve the user experience, Eropair will establish and improve the operation and management system of this product, and standardize and manage the use of this product by users.
Second, privacy protection

    Protecting user privacy and other personal information is a basic policy of Eropair. Eropair guarantees that it will not disclose the registration information of individual users and the non-public content stored by users in Eropair when using Eropair to third parties or for any illegal use. , except in the following cases:

  1. Obtain prior authorization from the user;

  2. To safeguard the public interest of society;

  3. Schools, scientific research institutions, etc. for the purpose of academic research or statistics based on public interest, with the written consent of the natural person user, and the method of disclosure is not sufficient to identify a specific natural person;

  4. Information disclosed by the user on the network or other personal information that has been legally disclosed;  5. Personal information obtained through legal channels;

  6. The user infringes the legal rights of Eropair in order to maintain the aforementioned legal rights and is within the necessary scope;

  7. According to the requirements of relevant government authorities or laws and regulations;

  8. Other necessary circumstances.
Third, liability for breach of contract

  1. In the process of using Eropair, users should abide by the existing valid laws and regulations and the agreement. Eropair has the right to review, supervise and handle the behavior and information of users using the service, including but not limited to user information (account information, personal information). Etc.), publishing content, user behavior (participation activities, marketing information release, reporting complaints, etc.). Eropair discovers, or receives a third party report or complains that the user violates the relevant provisions of this agreement when using Eropair. Eropair or its authorized subject has the right to take corresponding measures according to its reasonable judgment, including but not limited to : Not registered, notified within a time limit, canceled user accounts, deleted or blocked related content, suspended or terminated the use of Eropair by users, and transferred to public security organs.

  2. In the process of using Eropair, please protect and maintain the interests of Eropair and other users. If the user violates the relevant laws, regulations or any terms under this agreement, it will cause losses to Eropair or any other third party. You agree to bear The resulting liability for damages.
Fourth, others

  1. Eropair reserves the right to modify any of the terms of this Agreement at any time. Eropair will post the revised agreement on the corresponding page. If you do not agree with the above changes, you may choose to stop using Eropair. By continuing to use Eropair, you agree to Eropair's modification of the terms of this Agreement.

  2. You acknowledge and agree that email, system notifications, web instant messaging, SMS or regular mail delivery are all valid ways of sending notices to you, and such notices are deemed to have been delivered to the recipients on the date of Eropair's transmission.

  3. The conclusion, execution and interpretation of this Agreement and the resolution of disputes shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Chinese law.

  4. In the event of any dispute between the parties regarding the content of this Agreement or its execution, the parties shall try to resolve it through friendly negotiation; if the negotiation fails, either party may file a lawsuit in the people's court in the place where Eropair is located.

  5. If any provision of this Agreement is wholly or partially invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain valid and binding.