Eropair Private Policy

Privacy Policy

Last updated: July 1st, 2020

***DISCLAIMER: This App may contain or beused to transmit adult content. It is not suitable for anyone under the age of18. If you are under the age of 18, if such content offends you, if it isillegal to view such content in your jurisdiction, if you do not understand ordo not agree to any of the terms of this Privacy Policy, please do not click “I agree” at the bottom of this page, do not use our Services and do notprovide us with your Personal Information. By using the App you herebyrepresent that you are over 18 years of age, have the authority to enter intothe terms herein and agree to the processing of your Personal Information inaccordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy. ***


a) Privacy Policy: this Privacy Policy,which applies solely to the App and the services accessible via the App.
b)App/Application: the Eropair mobile application, provided by Shenzhen EropairTechnology Co. Ltd.
c) Services: the App and the services accessible via theApp, provided by Shenzhen Eropair Technology Co. Ltd.
d) Personal Information:any information that can be used to directly or indirectly identify a naturalperson, including any information that directly or indirectly relates to analready identified natural person.


Thank you for using our products andServices!

Eropair holds individual privacy rights tobe of great importance throughout its business practices. Therefore we arecommitted to the confidentiality, availability and safeguarding of all PersonalInformation we process.

Please take a moment to read this PrivacyPolicy carefully before you agree and consent to the terms of this PrivacyPolicy.

If you have any questions regarding thisPrivacy Policy, please contact us.

Material Scope and Application

This Privacy Policy applies to the use ofthe Services, provided by Shenzhen Eropair Technology Co., Ltd, a Shenzhencorporation with its principle offices at Jinhe building, No. 8 Xinhe Street,Longgang District of Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, China and our subsidiariesand affiliates worldwide.

By using our Services you agree that we mayprocess your information, including your Personal Information, in accordancewith this Privacy Policy, as revised from time to time. This Privacy Policy isincorporated by reference into our Terms and Conditions.

This Privacy Policy does not apply toPersonal Information that you choose to disclose or submit to:

a) services other than the Services,including products and services supplied or operated by us or our affiliatesthat do not expressly state that this Privacy Policy applies;
b) any thirdparty services that you may access through the App; or
c) individuals,companies or organizations that advertise products or services via the App.

Territorial Scope and Application

This Privacy Policy was drafted incompliance with the REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OFTHE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regardto the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, andrepealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) and the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 [1798.100 – 1798.199] and applies tousers of our Services worldwide.

However, if you presume this Privacy Policyconstitutes a possible breach of your local privacy laws, please contact us anddo not click I agree at the bottom of this page, do not use our Services and donot provide us with your Personal Information. Thank you.

Table of Contents

The following subjects are discussed inthis Privacy Policy. You can use the hyperlinks to navigate directly to aparticular section.

What Personal Information we process

You are never required to provide us withyour Personal Information, however, if you choose not to do so, in many caseswe will not be able to provide you with our products or services and we won’tbe able to respond to any queries you may have. Read more...

How we use your Personal Information

We may process your Personal Information forthe purposes described in this Privacy Policy, such as setting up your account,facilitating App communications, providing you customer support, allowing youto use all of the App features, legitimate interests pursued by us or improvingour products and services. Read more...

How we secure your Personal Information

To make sure your Personal Information issecure, we communicate our privacy and security guidelines to our employees andstrictly enforce privacy safeguards within our company. Read more...

Disclosure to Third Parties

Eropair may provide third parties with yourPersonal Information to provide or improve its products and services. Eropairdoes not sell Personal Information and does not share Personal Information withthird parties for their marketing purposes. Read more...

Inquiries regarding your Personal Information

You have the right to be forgotten. At anytime you can have your account and your Personal Information deleted. Read more...

Prohibition of Discrimination

You have the right not to be discriminatedagainst. We do not discriminate customers who exercise their privacy rightsagainst us and we do not profile Personal Information in a discriminatorymanner. Read more...

California Privacy Disclosures

The State of California has created a commonframework for businesses to talk about privacy. Eropair has used that frameworkto describe for each category of Personal Information under California law,whether Eropair collects that Personal Information, for what purposes and whatthe exact source of that information is. Eropair does not sell or disclose yourPersonal Information to third parties. Read more...


Please contact us if you have any questionsor concerns about this Privacy Policy or if you would like to make a complaint abouta possible breach of local privacy laws. Read more...

Changes to This Privacy Policy

Eropair may revise its Privacy Policy fromtime to time. Read more...

What Personal Information we process

Eropair collects information thatidentifies you to provide you with services that you request. For example,Eropair processes your name and email address to communicate with you and toprovide you support in case you have lost your password or other account orproduct related issues.

You are never required to provide us withyour Personal Information, however, if you choose not to do so, in many caseswe will not be able to provide you with our products or services or respond toany queries you may have.

When you register for an App account,download a software update or contact us by email or social media, we maycollect your (nick)name, email address, phone number, location information andprofile information such as the country and city you reside in, your date ofbirth, gender, photos you choose to upload and your voice signature.

When you register for an App account via athird party such as Facebook, Twitter, Google or Apple, we may collect yourprofile information associated with that third party account, including youremail address.

How we use your Personal Information

We may process your Personal Informationfor the purposes described in this Privacy Policy, such as setting up youraccount, facilitating App communications, providing you customer support,allowing you to use all of the App features, legitimate interests pursued by usor improving our products and services.

We may also process your PersonalInformation to comply with a legal obligation to which Eropair is subject.

How we secure your Personal Information

To make sure your Personal Information issecure, we communicate our privacy and security guidelines to our employees andstrictly enforce privacy safeguards within the company.

Eropair utilizes security measuresconsistent with current industry best practices to protect its Services, suchas encryption. We ensure the security and integrity of Personal Informationthrough a variety of security measures, which include physical, technical andorganizational measures. These integral elements are consistently reviewed andupdated to ensure the security and protection of all Personal Information wecollect and store. These security measures prevent loss and unauthorizedaccess, disclosure and use of your Personal Information.

Although no transmission over the internetcan be guaranteed to be absolutely secure, Eropair is committed in protectingall Personal Information it collects and transmits.

Disclosure to Third Parties

Eropair may provide third parties with yourPersonal Information to provide or improve its products and services. Eropairdoes not sell Personal Information and does not share Personal Information withthird parties for their marketing purposes.

We may share your Personal Information withthird parties where we need to in order to provide the Services or in case weare instructed to do so by a court order, a privacy authority or otherwisecompelled by law.

Personal Information collected and receivedby Eropair will be transmitted and stored in the United States with a thirdparty cloud service provider who complies with the U.S. and EU Privacy ShieldFramework.

The internet is a global environment and byusing our Services and sending Personal Information to us electronically, youconsent to trans-border and international transmission of any PersonalInformation collected or processed through our Services.

Inquiries regarding your PersonalInformation

You have the right to be forgotten. At anytime you can delete or remove content you have posted on our Services by usingthe deletion options provided within our Services.If you have any questions on how to removecertain content, please contact us.

Although we offer deletion capability forour Services, please be aware that the removal of content may not ensurecomplete or comprehensive removal of that content or information posted throughour Services.

At any time you can have your account andyour Personal Information updated, changed or removed. If you wouldlike to have your account deleted, including all of your Personal Informationwe have collected, please contact us.

Prohibition of Discrimination

You have the right not to be discriminatedagainst for exercising your privacy rights. We do not discriminate customerswho exercise their privacy rights against us and you won’t receive a lesserdegree of customer service when you choose to do so.

Protected classes are protected by law.Protected classes include groupings based on race, ethnicity, or nationalorigin and age. We do not request information about whether you belong to aprotected class and we don’t profile our customers based on protected classes.Although we collect your date of birth for example, we do not use thatinformation to infer whether you belong to a protected age group.

California Privacy Disclosures

The State of California has created acommon framework for businesses to talk about privacy. Eropair has used thatframework to describe for each category of Personal Information under California law, whether Eropair collects that Personal Information, for whatpurposes and what the exact source of that information is. Eropair does notsell or disclose your Personal Information to third parties.

Eropair Application Privacy


PurposeDisclosure to Third Parties
  • Information related to your Eropair account
  • Eropair App information
  • EropairAppID username
  • To provide you with the Services requested
  • To help improve the App
  • Fraud and security
  • Send and receive invitations to share activity
Protected classesEropair account information, including your age.
  • To verify your age
  • To verify the legality of the use of this App in your jurisdiction
  • To provide you with the Services requested
Commercial informationinapplicableinapplicableinapplicable
Biometric information
  • Voice signature, with your consent
  • Photo ID, with your consent
  • To verify your identity
  • To provide you with the Services requested
Network activity informationDevice information such as: keyboard language settingsand OS version
  • To provide and improve the Services
  • To help identify and prevent fraud
Geolocation dataLocation informationis collected from your device with your consentTo provide Bluetooth 4.0 & above function to Android usersNo
Sensory datainapplicableinapplicableinapplicable
Employment informationinapplicableinapplicableinapplicable
Education informationinapplicableinapplicableinapplicable
Profile inferencesIf you choose to personalize your services or communications where such an option is available,Eropair collects thatdatato create groups of people that share the same interests or characteristics in the App
  • To personalize your experience
  • To make relevant profile recommendations


If you have any questions, concerns or complaints about this Privacy Policy, our data processing or if you would liketo make a complaint about a possible breach of your local privacy laws, please contact us.

Wherever possible we will respond to yourinquiry within 7 days, either by providing a response on the issue raised,requesting additional information from you if necessary or indicating that aresponse will require additional time.

If you are not satisfied with the way we handled your complaint, you may at any time refer your complaint to therelevant Data Protection Authority (DPA) in your jurisdiction.

Where your inquiry indicates an improvement could be made in our handling of privacy issues, we will take steps to makesuch an update at the next reasonable opportunity. In the event that a privacyissue has resulted in a negative impact on you or another person,we will take steps to address that with you or that other person.

If you are a resident of a member state ofthe European Economic Area and you seek expert advice on data protection issues, we advise you to contact the relevant DPA in your jurisdiction. A listof all European DPA Board members and their contact details can be found here.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

Eropair reserves the right to make changesto its Privacy Policy without prior notice.

Changes to this Privacy Policy will be madefrom time to time to reflect changes consistent with industry best practices,legislation, regulations and our business practices.

When we change our Privacy Policy in amaterial way, a notice will be posted on along with the updated Privacy Policy. We will also notify you either by email, App notification orsome other equivalent method. At the top left corner of this Privacy Policy the exact date is displayed on which this Privacy Policy was last updated.